Barcelona is considered the “best outdoor modernist Museum of europe”. This tour includes a detailed visit to some of the most famous and spectacular buildings of this period: Includes a panoramic view of the Paseo de gracia, where you will see the Casa lleó Morera, Casa Amatller, Casa Batlló and Casa Milà or Pedrera. In the latter case, a commented tour of the patios and dormers in the gaudi area, including the roof tops can also be visited. going up through the district of gràcia you arrive at Park güell, where you will visit many of the infrastructures created by the great Antonio gaudi, for what was originally thought to be a residential neighborhood, or city garden for wealthy families. Finally, closing off the journey we will contemplate the Temple of la Sagrada Familia, the yet to be completed work of master gaudí and symbol of the city of Barcelona. “originality consists in returning to the origin; Thus, original is that which returns to the simplicity of the first solutions”(Antoni Gaudí i Cornet. 1852-1926).

Duration: 4 hours.

Ticket reservations are required to visit the inside of the Sagrada Familia and Pedrera.

This visit can be extended by visiting the Colònia Güell Crypt - (in this case, the duration will be 8 hours).